4 Creative Options for Brokers in Gulf Coast States – Wajobz

4 Creative Options for Brokers in Gulf Coast States – Wajobz

  This post is part of a series sponsored by IAT Insurance Group. It’s not news that property owners along the Gulf Coast are experiencing sticker shock when it comes their insurance renewal. The challenge is, rate increases of 30%-40% industry wide have some wondering whether carrying property insurance at all is worth the price. … Read more

4 Strategies for Brokers to Contend with Constraints in Gulf Coast States Property Insurance – Wajobz

4 Strategies for Brokers to Contend with Constraints in Gulf Coast States Property Insurance – Wajobz

  This post is part of a series sponsored by IAT Insurance Group. U.S. coastal areas, particularly Gulf Coast states like Florida, Louisiana and Texas, have been hit hard in the past decade by climate change-related natural disasters. In 2022 alone, damages from 18 separate weather events totaled $165.1 billion.[1] The region’s exposure to natural … Read more