Crime groups gaining ‘influence’ in government agencies: federal report – National Wa Jobz

Crime groups gaining ‘influence’ in government agencies: federal report – National Wa Jobz

  Organized crime groups are attempting to “infiltrate” government agencies and departments, a report obtained by Global News suggests. The Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC) reported in 2022 that 29 organized crime groups reportedly have “influence and access” within the public sector, while at least 369 groups are believed to be trying to gain a … Read more

New initiative launched to tackle disorder and crime in Edmonton – Edmonton Wa Jobz

New initiative launched to tackle disorder and crime in Edmonton – Edmonton Wa Jobz

  A new campaign has been launched in an effort to reduce crime in neighbourhoods across Edmonton. The Make the Call initiative aims to make it easy, with a website that clearly says who residents should call in various situations. Residents of older Edmonton neighbourhoods, like McCauley and Alberta Ave., say they’re frustrated with ongoing … Read more