Doctors face pay delays due to Alberta Health scheduled holiday break Wa Jobz

Doctors face pay delays due to Alberta Health scheduled holiday break Wa Jobz

  Some family doctors in Alberta will have to wait nearly a month for their next paycheque. Physicians who are part of the Blended Capitation Clinics Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) received a memo from the province outlining that claims received over December won’t be processed on time due to a scheduled holiday break from Alberta … Read more

Calgary family asking ski resort to reconsider after support staff asked to pay for pass – Calgary Wa Jobz

Calgary family asking ski resort to reconsider after support staff asked to pay for pass – Calgary Wa Jobz

  A Calgary family is asking a nearby ski resort to reconsider its policies after a support worker for their autistic son was denied a complimentary ticket. For years, David Meisner and his family bought season passes for Nakiska Ski Area, usually receiving discounted or complimentary tickets for support staff. But the family said this … Read more