Ontario boosts funds to tackle hate incidents, including anti-semitism, Islamophobia Wa Jobz

Ontario boosts funds to tackle hate incidents, including anti-semitism, Islamophobia Wa Jobz

The Ontario government is offering more than $20 million to address hate-motivated incidents in the province, with a focus on helping Muslim and Jewish communities. The new funding comes as the Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism says incidents of anti-semitism and Islamophobia are on the rise, and have grown in recent weeks. The money will … Read more

New initiative launched to tackle disorder and crime in Edmonton – Edmonton Wa Jobz

New initiative launched to tackle disorder and crime in Edmonton – Edmonton Wa Jobz

  A new campaign has been launched in an effort to reduce crime in neighbourhoods across Edmonton. The Make the Call initiative aims to make it easy, with a website that clearly says who residents should call in various situations. Residents of older Edmonton neighbourhoods, like McCauley and Alberta Ave., say they’re frustrated with ongoing … Read more