Does It Live Up to the Hype? wajobz


When it comes to creating a successful blog or affiliate website, choosing the right theme is of the utmost importance.

Today, we’ll explore the Acabado theme, developed by Income School, in hopes of discovering why it’s gaining popularity as the ideal choice for bloggers, SEO, enthusiasts, content creators, affiliate marketers, and beginners alike.

With a focus on SEO optimization, customization options, and lightning-fast performance, does the popular WordPress theme live up to the hype?

By the end of this Acabado theme review, you’ll have a clear-cut answer. Stick around!


Overview of Acabado

Acabado is a WordPress theme developed by Income School, a well-known name in the online marketing and blogging community. It’s primarily designed for bloggers, affiliate marketers, and beginners who seek a fast, SEO-optimized, and user-friendly theme for their websites.

The theme is built with simplicity and performance in mind, providing an intuitive and seamless experience for both website creators and visitors.

As a lightweight theme, Acabado prioritizes speed and page loading times, making it one of the fastest themes available. The developers have integrated Google Pagespeed Insights to ensure that sites using Acabado achieve high page loading speeds, leading to better user experiences and improved search engine rankings.

The theme’s intuitive nature extends to its design elements and customization options. Acabado provides a clean and minimalistic design, which not only improves the overall visual of a website but also ensures a clutter-free reading experience for visitors.

On top of that, users can take advantage of extensive customization options to personalize their websites and reflect their unique brand identities.

Acabado comes equipped with built-in SEO features that improve a website’s visibility in search engines. This is essential for bloggers and affiliate marketers.

The integration with Google Analytics, in particular, provides valuable insights into performance and visitor behavior, enabling users to make data-driven decisions.

Who Created the Acabado Theme?

The Acabado theme was created by two successful online entrepreneurs, Jim Harmer and Rick Kesler, who are the masterminds behind the highly acclaimed Income School.

Income School was initially established to document and share the duo’s journey and success in the online marketing world. Over time, it has evolved into a widely popular website and YouTube channel, known for its high-quality content on creating and growing online niche sites.

The popular platform offers valuable insights into the duo’s experiences, shedding light on both their successes and the obstacles they encountered along the way.

As transparent and knowledgeable educators, Harmer and Kesler share a wealth of information, tips, and recommendations with their audience for free!

Their videos often feature a wide portfolio of niche sites, all of which now make use of Acabado. By showcasing the theme in action on live and high-traffic websites across various niches, they provide viewers with valuable insights into the functionality and performance of Acabado.

It’s worth noting that Jim and Ricky are well-versed in scaling online niche sites, and they run multiple 6- and 7-figure websites using the WordPress CMS (Content Management System).

For those looking to adopt the Acabado theme, the assurance of its successful implementation across Jim and Ricky’s own websites adds a level of credibility and trust.

Their dedication to sharing their experiences and providing educational and entertaining content has made them reputable figures in the online marketing and blogging community.

Who Is the Acabado Theme For?

The Acabado theme caters to a diverse range of website creators and businesses, which makes it a versatile choice for various online endeavors.

It’s well-suited for the following audiences:

  • Bloggers: The Acabado theme’s clean and professional design makes it an excellent choice for bloggers who want their content to stand out. Its user-friendly interface and customization options allow bloggers to easily create and manage their websites without the need for coding knowledge.
  • Portfolio Websites: Creative professionals looking to showcase their work through a portfolio website will find Acabado’s responsive and retina-ready design ideal for displaying their projects and accomplishments in a visually appealing manner.
  • eCommerce Stores: For entrepreneurs venturing into online retail, Acabado’s optimization for all devices ensures that their eCommerce stores will be accessible to potential customers on various platforms.
  • Business Websites: Acabado’s sleek and professional appearance makes it suitable for small business websites, allowing companies to establish a strong online presence without the need for complex design modifications.
  • Content Creators: Those focused on content creation and monetization will appreciate Acabado’s efficient and straightforward approach, enabling them to focus on producing valuable content rather than getting bogged down in extensive website customization.
  • SEO Enthusiasts: Acabado’s built-in SEO features and optimization make it an attractive option for website owners who prioritize search engine visibility and rankings. With its integration of Google Pagespeed Insights, the theme emphasizes performance and loading speed, contributing to better SEO outcomes.
  • Beginners: Acabado is an excellent choice for those who are new to website creation and blogging. Its drag-and-drop interface provides an intuitive and easy-to-use platform for customizing websites without the necessity of delving into code.

While Acabado is a well-designed and responsive WordPress theme with customization options, it may not be the best fit for those looking for an extensive array of personalization choices and a powerful image suite.

Advanced users who require absolute control over design elements might find other themes or custom-built solutions more suitable.

Acabado Theme Features

Now that you know what the Acabado theme is all about, who it’s designed for, and who created it, let’s take a closer look at the theme’s standout features.

Website Speed

Acabado sets the bar high with its exceptional website speed. By utilizing a powerful front-end framework, this theme delivers lightning-fast loading times, ensuring your visitors experience a smooth and efficient browsing journey.

With the Acabado theme, not only will you impress your audience but also gain an advantage in search engine rankings, as faster sites are favored by search algorithms.

Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile Responsiveness

In today’s mobile-centric world, having a responsive and adaptive website design on mobile is important. The Acabado theme ensures that your site looks stunning and functions flawlessly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets, with its mobile-first design.

With its adaptive and intuitive design, Acabado enables you to cater to a diverse audience and provide a seamless user experience, regardless of the screen size or device type.

Fixed Media Dimensions

Acabado’s commitment to optimizing loading times extends to fixed media dimensions.

This feature allows images and media to be displayed with consistent dimensions, ensuring quick rendering without sacrificing visual appeal.

Your content will load swiftly, enhancing user engagement and reducing bounce rates.

Anti-Bounce Protection

Engaging visitors and keeping them on your website is crucial for online success.

Acabado’s anti-bounce protection feature helps retain users by presenting captivating content and intuitive navigation.

With reduced bounce rates, you can foster longer sessions, encourage exploration, and boost conversions.

Built-In SEO

Acabado simplifies the task of improving search engine visibility with its onboard SEO features. This theme is designed to support fundamental SEO practices, which allows search engines to better index and rank your site.

From clean code to optimized meta tags, Acabado empowers you to enhance your website’s SEO efforts without the need for additional plugins.

Built-In Schema

Stay ahead in search engine results with Acabado’s built-in schema support. Schema markup provides structured data that helps search engines understand your content better, leading to enhanced search result display and potential Rich Snippets.

With Acabado’s built-in schema implementation, you can make your website more informative and appealing to both users and search engines.

Built-In Plugins

Acabado comes with built-in plugins that add functionality and features without compromising speed and performance.

This theme’s integrated plugins streamline customization and site management, providing an intuitive and seamless user experience.

From social media integration to several interactive elements, Acabado’s built-in plugins offer convenience without the bloat.

Some of the theme’s built-in plugins include:

  • Google Fonts Typography
  • Short Pixel Image Optimizer
  • One Click Demo Import
  • Lazy Load for Videos

The theme also offers support for other plugins, including:

  • Social Warfare
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Q2W3 Fixed Widget
  • WPForms Lite
  • ManageWP Worker

Other Features

In addition to its main features, Acabado’s drag-and-drop builder enables unlimited layouts, sliders, and galleries, allowing you to craft a unique and visually stunning website.

What’s more, Acabado supports Google Maps API v3 for seamless integration of maps and location-based content.

Other useful features include:

  • Display entry meta on posts
  • Homepage featured tiles
  • Homepage hero image with a button
  • Homepage category excluder
  • XML sitemap and HTML sitemap feed
  • Custom CSS
  • Sitewide post comments enable/disable
  • Adding a logo, favicon, and custom JavaScript
  • Custom heading, text, link, button colors, footer, and menu label.
  • Choosing between a full menu or a hamburger menu on desktop
  • Post schema
  • Featured images on posts enable/disable
  • Hidden Pinterest Images
  • Social media buttons for Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, email, and more.

Acabado Theme Support

Unfortunately, Acabado doesn’t provide extensive technical support. That said, you can report bugs and request additional features through their form.

For billing issues, there’s one-to-one email support. Simply fill out this form and someone from Income School will get in touch with you.

Acabado Theme Pricing

Staked Coins

There are two ways you can purchase the Acabado theme. You can license it for $67/year or pay $179 for a license that lasts 100 years.

You get to try the Acabado theme for up to 30 days after buying it. If you’re not satisfied with it, don’t worry; Income School has a money-back guarantee with no questions asked.


What makes the Acabado theme so fast?

Acabado theme excels in speed due to its clean and user-friendly navigation.

With a sleek design, organized code, and built-in schema, the Acabado theme optimizes loading times effectively.

What is the structure of a WordPress theme?

The fundamental structure of a WordPress theme consists of PHP source files, also referred to as template files, along with stylesheets, localization data, and optionally, JavaScript files and graphics.

Does Acabado offer pre-made templates?

No, the Acabado theme doesn’t offer pre-designed templates or layouts to simplify the initial site building process.

While it includes a couple of basic templates that come standard with all themes, users have the flexibility to create their designs as needed.

Can I get the Acabado theme for free?

No, there is no option to download the Acabado theme for free.

If you purchase the theme from Income School, you’ll receive a 30-day money-back guarantee. This allows you to try Acabado for a month. If it doesn’t meet your needs, you have the option to request a refund.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the Acabado theme definitely lives up to the hype! With its powerful front-end framework, Acabado delivers unrivaled website speed, providing users with a seamless and lightning-fast browsing experience.

Its full responsiveness ensures that your site looks impeccable on any device, catering to a diverse group of audience.

The theme’s fixed media dimensions and anti-bounce protection contribute to its exceptional performance, optimizing loading times and engaging visitors to stay longer.

Moreover, Acabado’s built-in SEO and schema support make it a valuable tool for enhancing search engine visibility.

With built-in plugins and a user-friendly interface, Acabado enables effortless customization without sacrificing speed and performance.

Its drag-and-drop builder and unlimited layouts, sliders, and galleries empower users to create unique and visually stunning websites.

All in all, the Acabado theme is a resounding success, catering to bloggers, affiliate marketers, and beginners seeking a fast, SEO-optimized, and user-friendly WordPress theme.

Its features, coupled with its consistent and impressive performance, make it a standout choice for website creators who prioritize speed, aesthetics, and seamless functionality.


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